The preamble of our Constitution states: "We, the people of Bangladesh, having proclaimed our independence on the 26th day of March and through a historic war for national independence, established the independent, sovereign People's Republic of Bangladesh."
On the 39th anniversary of this day, one of the greatest in our history, let us all unite in praying for a truly independent, peaceful, prosperous, powerful, just and proud Bangladesh in days to come.
Let us all work towards betterment of our beloved motherland. Let us do whatever we can, large or small, in serving this glorious land of ours. Let us love Bangladesh, our fellow Bangladeshis, and all that bring betterment for our country. And last but no least, let us pray for God Almighty's special mercy and blessings for her and all her children in this turbulent time of ours.
The SONAR BANGLADESH of our dreams is not far away...
[photo credit: the daily star]