but i am not here today to tell the story of his fatherhood, rather i wil story abt his wedding (isnt that obvious from the title!!!)
i knew about his marriage from his fiance (who was already his wife by then)...
the story goes like this....
some times last year, a couple of my mails to him were left ananswered (which is not at all UNusual), including one where i specifically asked him to answer (now that was unusual)... that got me worried, and i gathered his fiance's email address and contacted her.
to my utter surprise and (happiness too, i must admit), i read "my husband is alright, enjoying his last days here... we were married sometime last month"

...yet we are the bestest of friends...
the point of putting up this big story: its not how often you are in touch that measures friendship, its how deep the feeling is in your heart.....and that can only be felt by the other person... not told, not seen, not smelled.
p.s. i later learned, he DID mail me, it was my stupid email!!! tough luck, coz i wanted to be there at his wedding, by his side as his best man.