how does success interact with happiness? are they contradictory or supplementary? can one be happy and successful at the same time?
well, i see it this way. happiness doesn't necessary mean success, for one can be happy without being successful, in the sense we usually know. but it surely is a criteria of success. could we say one is successful when he has all other than happiness?
then again, these are two different criteria. happiness, on one hand, is generally accepted as a state of contentment and ease of mind, whereas success is a very relative term and depends on the individual and how she/he gives importance to different aspects of life, and to what extent.
thats bring us back to the question of success and its measure. is there any universal measure of success? something bigger than life to measure success by? a criteria that takes into consideration all that we take at face value - our wealth, status and others; as well those that are hidden behind our carefully orchestrated outlook - our happiness, sorrows, pleasures and the likes.
is there?
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