
my best friend's wedding

my best friend (okay, one of my few 'bestest' friends) is soon going to become a father, a father to a sweet lille baby girl. bet he is gonna be a proud father, and the daughter too, i am sure, would grow being proud of who he is.
but i am not here today to tell the story of his fatherhood, rather i wil story abt his wedding (isnt that obvious from the title!!!)

i knew about his marriage from his fiance (who was already his wife by then)...

the story goes like this....
some times last year, a couple of my mails to him were left ananswered (which is not at all UNusual), including one where i specifically asked him to answer (now that was unusual)... that got me worried, and i gathered his fiance's email address and contacted her.
to my utter surprise and (happiness too, i must admit), i read "my husband is alright, enjoying his last days here... we were married sometime last month"

...yet we are the bestest of friends...

the point of putting up this big story: its not how often you are in touch that measures friendship, its how deep the feeling is in your heart.....and that can only be felt by the other person... not told, not seen, not smelled.

p.s. i later learned, he DID mail me, it was my stupid email!!! tough luck, coz i wanted to be there at his wedding, by his side as his best man.


Abu Aisyah said...

Dear Bro,

A very touching blogging from you for me. May Allah put our hearts together, though we seldom communicate. By Allah sometimes I remember you in my prayer, waking up and ... Hope this rememberence of freindship due to Allah will continue till we meet in Jannah


Anonymous said...


I just know how it happened that just when all of a sudden i was feeling very sad regarding the same type of incidence and feeling that my best friend has left me for good (gave me a biig "cheka" in khati banggali)... that u posted about this story out of all.. and that i came to read it, when i hardly visit ur blog!!!

Really a good lesson.. and i m surely gonna make her read this part.

May Allah help us all keep our friends deep inside our heart forever.. and realize the truth that a good friendship never fades-no matter how events make us feel so...

And here's just to assure you all that I love u all my dear friends and family-members, although i may not be able to keep in touch with u every moment.

And again, a really touching post- AGAIN.. keep it up.

Anonymous said...

ooooops- a correction- it would be i just don't* know

bodda said...

(3:185) "Everyone shall taste death. And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever is removed away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is successful. The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception (a deceiving thing)."

may all our activities in this world be geared toward that goal...

eccentric_human said...

Ameen, Ameen, Summa Ameen to your great prayer...

Remember this Ayah when you feel like you are missing all those great moments of enjoyment, when a new member enlightens the house, or when a great occasion is going on that you never felt like missing
and inshaAllah, Allah will grant you 'Sakeenah' with the thought that this life is just a mere enjoyment. Wordly missing is nothing, InshaAllah in Akhirah we all will be together. Ameen.